Have you ever wondered why God would forgive you? I know I have. Even after I became a Christian I have been so disappointed by all the sins that I have committed and wondered to myself, why would God ever want to forgive me? In the darker times I have even wondered, does God still forgive me? Does He still love me? Because let’s be honest, if someone sinned against you as often as we sin against God, it would be difficult to forgive and love them. Especially after we have given our own son to die for their life to be saved. Yet, after that, they are constantly sinning and betraying you! We would likely want nothing to do with that person anymore, but thankfully God is not like that! You might be thinking, but how do you know? How do we know that God is still willing to forgive, and he still loves you even after everything that you have done? The truth lies in the motivation for why God forgave you in the first place. If God forgave you because you earned it or because you were one of the most pristine people he could find; then yes, your continued sin should put your salvation in doubt, but there was another motivation for your salvation. David asked for forgiveness not based on anything he did but instead based upon who God is.David wrote in Psalm 25:11 “For your name’s sake, O Lord, pardon my guilt, for it is great.” When David was asking for forgiveness, he did not say I will try harder next time, or please forgive me just one more time. Rather, he asked for forgiveness not based on anything he did but instead based upon who God is. God forgave because He is great and loving. Not because of anything you have done, but according to mercy (Titus 3:5). So as we fall into sin and He forgives us again, it does nothing but magnify how great God’s love and mercy is. With every act of forgiveness God is glorified even greater! “What shall we say then? Are we to continue in sin that grace may abound? By no means! How can we who died to sin still live in it?” (Romans 6:1-2) We glorify God by following Him, yet even when we don’t God still gets His glory. Let us give Him that glory before the rocks cry out in worship instead. We can worship Him because we know there isn’t anything in this life that can separate us from the love of God (Romans 8:35). We didn’t earn it, so we can’t lose it. God was just showing off His greatness in us.
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