Watch Previous Sermons:
Time To Leave| John 9:35-10:6 | Dr. Joel Hastings
It’s time to leave the past behind and follow Jesus.
Open your eyes to see what God is doing.
Respond with faith, not fear.
Follow God’s voice through the noise.
Open your eyes to see what God is doing.
Respond with faith, not fear.
Follow God’s voice through the noise.
Blinded| John 9:13-34| Pastor Ray Millsap
Fear is sin's counterfeit to faith
Suffering sets the stage for Gods glory
Pride protects us from the truth
Suffering sets the stage for Gods glory
Pride protects us from the truth
Why Do Bad Things Happen to Good People? | John 9:1-12| Dr. Joel Hastings
- So God can work through it.
- Because God’s power shines brightest in the dark.
- Because it’s an opportunity to trust Jesus more.
- Because others get to see God move.
- Because God’s power shines brightest in the dark.
- Because it’s an opportunity to trust Jesus more.
- Because others get to see God move.
Make Jesus Your Everything This Year | John 8:48-59 | Dr. Joel Hastings
Do you value Jesus more than anything else?
What would your life look like if Jesus was your everything this year?
What would your life look like if Jesus was your everything this year?
It's Him | Pastor Ray Millsap
Joy in Brokenness | Isaiah 61:1-4 | Dr. Joel Hastings
Jesus came for the broken.
Brokenness will not get the final word.
The world can’t steal your joy if your joy is Jesus.
Brokenness will not get the final word.
The world can’t steal your joy if your joy is Jesus.
Love Through Suffering | Isaiah 53:1-7 | Dr.Joel Hastings
(1) The depth of Christ’s suffering showed the depth of Christ’s love
(2) and the depth of our devotion back to Him.
(2) and the depth of our devotion back to Him.
Peace in Chaos | Isaiah 26:1-4 | Dr. Joel Hastings
When chaos comes, run to God’s stronghold.
Peace is the outcome of trust.
Peace is the outcome of trust.
Hope Through Despair | Isaiah 8:22-9:7 | Dr. Joel Hastings
The world is dark, but it's not final.
God can break the thing that’s breaking you.
Our hope is this: Jesus
God can break the thing that’s breaking you.
Our hope is this: Jesus
Spotting the Lies that Hold You Back | John 8:38-47 | Pastor Devin Quesenberry
Spotting the lies that hold you back:
1. Admit that you are wrong.
2. Learn the truth.
3. Resist your nature.
4. Follow Jesus' works.
1. Admit that you are wrong.
2. Learn the truth.
3. Resist your nature.
4. Follow Jesus' works.
I believe in Jesus, why do I still feel trapped?| John 8:31-37 | Pastor Devin Quesenberry
True Freedom…
1. ...starts with believing in Jesus.
2. ...continues by obeying His Word.
3. ...rescues those who know the truth.
1. ...starts with believing in Jesus.
2. ...continues by obeying His Word.
3. ...rescues those who know the truth.
Hide and Seek | John 8:21-29 | Dr. Joel Hastings
Caught in Darkness | John 8:12-20 | Brandon Roat
Jesus is the light of the world don't miss Him.
Judge Jesus | John 7:45-8:11 | Dr. Joel Hastings
Jesus is the only innocent one.
We are guilty, but not condemned.
We are free to stop sinning.
We are guilty, but not condemned.
We are free to stop sinning.
Overflow is Only Found in Jesus | John 7:32 - 44 | Dr. Joel Hastings
This world sucks the life out of you.
Jesus isn’t the means to your fulfillment—He’s the end.
An overflowing life overflows blessings to everyone around you.
Jesus isn’t the means to your fulfillment—He’s the end.
An overflowing life overflows blessings to everyone around you.
Special Hurricane Milton Service
What to do when God doesn't give you what you expect? | John 7:25-31 | Pastor Devin Quesenberry
1. Question your sources.
2. Question your desires.
3. Believe that God is offering something better.
2. Question your desires.
3. Believe that God is offering something better.
How can you know? | John 7:14-24 | Ray Millsap
Family Dynamics | John 7:1-13 | Pastor Chaz Keating
Are you known for your love | 1 Corinthians 13 | Pastor Ray Millsap
Following Jesus When It Doesn't Make Sense | John 6:60-71 | Dr. Joel Hastings
Following Jesus is hard
Trust means most in the trials.
Following Jesus is our only hope.
The worst day with Jesus is the better than the best day without him.
Trust means most in the trials.
Following Jesus is our only hope.
The worst day with Jesus is the better than the best day without him.
You Are What You Eat| John 6:52-59| Dr. Joel Hastings
What's Feeding Your Soul?
Jesus is the only one who can satisfy.
Jesus is the only one who can satisfy.
Your Biggest Problems (And How To Fix Them) | John 6:41-59 | Dr. Joel Hastings
You don’t trust who He is.
He is the satisfaction to every longing.
He is the satisfaction to every longing.
Bread of Life | John 6:22-34 | Pastor Ray Millsap
Storms of Life | John 6:16-21 | Dr. Joel Hastings
Jesus will send you into the storm.
Jesus will find you in the storm.
Jesus will bring you out of the storm.
Jesus will find you in the storm.
Jesus will bring you out of the storm.